Rare Photos From The 1980's Captured Way More Than Expected

By | December 16, 2022

“Trading Places,” 1982.

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Along with “48 Hours,” “Trading Places” announced Eddie Murphy's ascension into superstardom. Directed by John Landis, the movie was originally conceived for the comedy duo of Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. When they dropped out, the studio moved on to Dan Aykroyd most famous for his work on SNL at the time and Jamie Lee Curtis who had only starred in horror films. However, Murphy undoubtedly stole the show with his unparalleled improvisational chops to tune of $90 million at the box office, which made “Trading Places” the fourth top earner of that year.

Freddie Mercury celebrating his 40th birthday

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Acclaimed vocalist and flamboyant personality, Freddie Mercury embodied the outlandish style of the ‘80s. His iconic performance in 1985 during Live-Aid goes down as one of the most memorable sets in music history. His creation of Queen led to songs that everyone from your grandmother to your niece knows. "Bohemian Rhapsody," "Somebody to Love," "We Are the Champions," "Don't Stop Me Now" and "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" all remain recognizable even to people who don’t know Queen was a band.