60 Eerie Declassified UFO Photos From The '60s and '70s

By Sarah Norman | May 26, 2023

Wait, Extra-Terrestrials Watched The Moon Landing In 1969?

UFOs sightings happen fairly frequently (at least according to UFO sighting witnesses), but in the 1960s and '70s, alien crafts were spotted almost every week throughout America and the rest of the Western world. The rise of inexpensive photography equipment helped witnesses make a better case for their sightings, and often these photos were able to provide evidence that an eyewitness testimony just can’t offer. But in many cases of UFO encounters witnesses are either too awestruck to take action, or technology just doesn’t work. These are just a few of the most exciting stories of UFO sightings from the 20th century. 

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Were humans were the only beings watching the Apollo 11 Moon landing? A recent viral news story claimed otherwise. According to reports that showed up on numerous and somewhat legitimate websites (including Britain's Daily Star tabloid), the Apollo 11 astronauts saw signs of alien life, shapes that were perhaps spacecraft, while journeying to or roaming the surface of moon on July 20, 1969. 

The story seems to have been either completely or partially fabricated, and depends on some extrapolations of Aldrin quotes that the astronaut himself says are inaccurate. For a breakdown of this bit of fake news, read the Washington Post story "No, Buzz Aldrin Didn't See A UFO On His Way To The Moon." 

The UFO That Foiled The Iranian Air Force

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While most UFO sightings happen in the good old U.S. of A., spacecraft and extra-terrestrials have been spotted all over the world. On September 19, 1976, a UFO was spotted over Tehran, Iran, and everyone freaked out. When an investigating F-4 jet locked onto the craft, its instruments went haywire and the pilot had to return to base. 

A second F-4 experienced a similar situation, and despite a total equipment blackout both pilots were fine. The military attempted to explain the UFO as a rogue meteor, but that's a questionable theory -- how could a meteor float in the sky?