60 Bizarre Photos And The Remarkable Stories Behind Them

By | September 15, 2022

Many photos of the past present everything prior to the modern era as stoic and well mannered. The photos collected here turn that concept on its head by showing some of the more candid moments from history that didn’t make it into the history books. Each new picture offers you the opportunity to see something real from the past rather than an oversaturated moment that’s been talked about ad nauseam.

This trip through the most intriguing moments in history will take you behind the scenes of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation, one of JFK’s pre-presidency vacations, and you’ll even get to see how Kiss rocker Gene Simmons is around kids. Prepare for adventure behind the scenes of history.

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source: pinterest

Even though Ethel and Jackie married into the Kennedys within a few years of one another they look like they could sisters. The two met on Saint Patrick’s Day 1953 at one of Ethel’s annual parties, and throughout their tenure as stateswomen Ethel filled in for Jackie any time that she wasn’t feeling up to hosting in the White House.

This photo, taken only a year after the dream wedding of JFK and Jackie, this look at one of America’s fairy tale families shows that they were just as quaint as any other family in the United States. However, there’s something about Jackie and John’s style that sets them apart, don’t you think?

A day of shopping in Los Angeles, 1960. (Photograph by Allan Grant. Colorized by Kostas Fiev.) 

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Source: Pinterest

Life in Los Angeles in the 1960s was a halcyon moment full of fun in the sun and days spent walking up and down the Sunset Strip in search of a good deal and a good time. At the time LA was experiencing a boom that was unprecedented for the era. The Dodgers had just moved to the city in 1958, and the town was growing at a remarkable pace, the city was a tree waiting to be picked.

It’s clear that some things never change in spite of the era. The sun is still a harsh mistress in Southern California, and friends are always going to have a great time on long, summer walks throughout the city. The only real question is where does someone find those shorts? They’re so groovy.