Private Moments With Rock Icons That Crossed The Line

By | March 2, 2023

Jimi Hendrix jamming with the Monkees, 1967.

Musical icons unleash their on-stage personas to the fullest extent for throngs of rabid fans. However, those same larger-than-life characters often act very differently behind the scenes. Whether it's quietly chumming it up with fellow celebrities or releasing their inner child remnants in zany ways, even musical legends act silly. Here are the behind the scenes moments of some of music’s biggest stars that you never believe could exist.

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In a combination that, on the surface, went together like oil and water, Jimi Hendrix and the Monkees went on tour together in ‘67. The Monkees who represented the innocent, clean-cut side of music obviously clashed with the debaucherous styling of Young Jimmy. In what seems slightly ridiculous today, Jimi opened for the Monkees and not the other way around. It didn’t help matters that Hendrix called their music “dishwater.” He only lasted eight tour stops before walking off stage in Queens, New York.

Frank Zappa hanging with the folks, 1970.

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Source: Reddit

The prodigious and innovative musician who pushed the boundaries of sound with his experiments released an incredible 60 albums! He even played a bad guy on Miami Vice and clearly cared for his parents. Ironically, a "conspiracy to commit pornography" charge, which amounted to him simulating erotic noises for undercover agents, actually kept him out of Vietnam. Did police really have nothing better to do than ask people to moan into microphones?