The Curse Of The Exorcist: Behind The Scenes Of The Scariest Movie Ever Made

By | October 9, 2019

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Linda Blair in 'The Exorcist.' Source: IMDB

When The Exorcist premiered in 1973, horror-movie audiences had never seen anything quite like it. But was the movie cursed? The tale of a young girl possessed by an ancient demon was graphic, profane, and to some religious groups, even blasphemous. Apart from the action on screen, the movie is disturbing because of the calamities that occurred during production and the oddities, and tragedies, that happened in the years since.

The Story Behind The Movie

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Source: (youtube)

In 1949, Father William Bowdern, a Jesuit minister, performed an exorcism on a young man in St. Louis, Missouri. William Peter Blatty, then a college student at Georgetown University, wrote a paper on this exorcism based on an article in The Washington Post. Twenty years later, he returned to the subject matter to write The Exorcist, hiding the victim’s identity by writing about a girl. The novel was published in 1971 and sold more than 13 million copies, leading to the development of the film. Concern over the subject matter led the production to enlist a Jesuit priest to bless the set during the filming.