When A Teacher Became The Greatest American Hero

By | June 8, 2022

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Source: (IMDb).

In 1981, America got a new superhero: the Greatest American Hero. Unlike so many other superheroes, his powers were not within him, but rather part of the suit he wore. Nor did he have a superhero name, but simply went by Ralph Hinkley or Mr. H. to some of his students. However, he did refer to himself as “Captain Crash” and “Captain Gonzo” in a rather self-deprecating way.

It Poked Fun At The Superhero Genre

The show, which was on from 1981 to 1983, was a mix of comedy and action, and it poked fun at the superhero genre. The creator, Stephen J. Cannell, had originally planned for the series to emphasize realistic problems, and what he called “character comedy” which was centered around real human flaws. However, new management at ABC wanted more heroic storylines to make the show more like a children’s show. It still remained different from other superhero series as it not only poked fun at the genre but also explored how the ordinary man could live like a superhero.

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Source: (IMDb).

The Emblem

The emblem had a rather ordinary origin as well. While the costume designer was working on the design for the suit, the designer asked Cannell what he wanted the emblem on the chest of the suit to look like. Cannell had no idea, so the designer picked up a pair of scissors from Cannell’s desk and held them upside down, saying “That’s your emblem.”

Katt Didn't Really Want To Act On Television

The man who was cast as the hero, William Katt, got his start in acting in summer stock. He took a role in Carrie (1976) which allowed him to start making a name for himself. In 1977, he played the title role in Pippin and was offered the role of Ralph Hinkley, even without an audition. He didn’t have much interest in acting on television, but he read the script and, because it was funny, he decided to take the role.