Stunning Photos From The Past Sure To Cause Nostalgia! 

By | November 21, 2022

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Magic nannies, caped crusaders, friendly aliens...the groovy era was filled with outlandishly awesome plots. This was a time when walking into a studio executive meeting and pitching a show about a man driving cross-country with his monkey was given the green light immediately. The images collected here are full of optimistic, fantastical, and magic times from pop culture history. These happy days are yours and mine to look back at fondly anytime. 

Mary Ann - I used to be a Girl Scout, and they teach you a lot. Ginger I used to go with a Boy Scout, and they teach you a lot, too

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Source: Pinterest

The differences between Mary Ann Summers (Dawn Wells) and Ginger Grant (Tina Louise) characters on Gilligan's Island couldn’t be better summed up any better than this simple bit of dialogue between them:

Mary Ann - “I used to be a Girl Scout, and they teach you a lot."

Ginger: “I used to go with a Boy Scout, and they teach you a lot, too

Mary Ann was the quintessential all American girl next door type while Ginger, on the other hand, oozed glamour and sex appeal. Og course, both women were gorgeous but on opposite sides of the spectrum.