Starlet Marilyn Monroe & JFK: The Scandal

By | October 25, 2017

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Few people will dispute that Norma Jeane Mortenson, better known as the celebrated Marilyn Monroe, was one of the most alluring and spectacular sex symbols of her time. Naturally a brunette, she bleached her hair platinum blonde to attract more attention to herself because, as we all know, blondes have more fun (and get more movie roles)! Marilyn Monroe knew, early on in life, that she wanted to be in the spotlight. As a baby, she was placed into the foster care system because her mother could not care for her properly. Although she was afforded many privileges, she never really got over what she perceived to be rejection.  

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Monroe started out as a model and her career blossomed from there. She starred in several movies, opposite other famous actors. Her roles showcased her remarkable, curvy figure and sex appeal as well as playing up the “dumb blond” angle; serving her career well. Before long she was being invited to hobnob with high society and was rubbing elbows with politicians, celebrities and other stars. She was often seen in the headlines and on the society pages; at times engaging in inappropriate sexual relationships and encounters.