'This Is Spinal Tap' Quotes: List Of Top 30 Quotes From Christopher Guest's First Hit

By | February 29, 2020

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This is Spinal Tap, circa 1984. L to R: Christopher Guest, Harry Shearer and Michael McKean (Photo by Aaron Rapoport/Corbis via Getty Images)

This Is Spinal Tap is one of those movies, nay, pieces of art that we can’t imagine living without. Not only is it a trenchant critique of rock n roll excess and celebrity in general, but it’s one of the funniest films ever made. Christopher Guest’s first foray into feature filmmaking forged a bond that he kept throughout his career whether it was in films like A Mighty Wind, Best In Show, or Waiting for Guffman. This Is Spinal Tap has so many quotable lines that it’s impossible to list them all without publishing the script, and whats all the more fascinating is that many of them were made up on the spot. The movie is so improvised that the four writers on the projected attempted to have the Writers Guild of America give every member of the cast a writing credit to no avail. Get out your cucumbers and wrap them in foil because it’s time to take a look at the top quotes from This Is Spinal Tap.

'These Go To Eleven'

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source: MGM

Even if you haven't seen This Is Spinal Tap you know this quote. "Gone to 11" is the signifier of a someone who's gone so far off the reservation that they no longer live in reality. Or, more broadly, something that's just cranked up beyond the maximum. When Marty DiBergi asks hot shot guitarist Nigel Tufnel about his amps Tufnel explains that whenever the band wants to kick things into overdrive they turn them up from 10 -- normally the highest volume on an amplifier - to 11. When DiBergi asks why not just make 10 louder, Tufnel explains, "These go to 11."