The Very Real Rhinoceros Political Party Of Canada

By | September 17, 2019

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What if Canada was Ruled By The Rhinoceros Party of Canada. Source: (

The satirical political group known as the Rhinoceros Party formed in Canada in 1963 and has been making mischief ever since, advocating bizarre policies and promising, if elected, to keep none of their promises.

The Rhinoceros Party claimed to be descendants of Cacareco, a rhino who received 100,000 votes for São Paulo city council in 1958. The party also elected Cornelius the First, a rhinoceros in a small zoo east of Montreal, as their leader. If you're wondering just what kind of Canadians would start such a political party and keep it going for decades (with no electoral success), the answer is French Canadians. Mais oui, the Parti Rhinoceros and all its jokey adventures were dreamed up by pranksters of the Quebecois persuasion.

The Inauguration

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Canadian writer Jacques Ferron and Founder of the Rhino Party. Source: (

The Rhinoceros Party was founded by Canadian writer Jacques Ferron. Of course, he promptly garnered the title “Éminence de la Grande Corne du parti Rhinocéros,” which translates to Eminence of the Great Horn of the Rhinoceros Party. Quickly other artists like poet Gaston Miron and singer Michel Rivard flocked to the party. They even ran in multiple elections against Pierre Trudeau, father of current prime minister, Justin Trudeau.