Mae West, Raquel Welch, And 'Myra Breckinridge:' Facts And Trivia About The '70s Bomb

By | August 16, 2020

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Left: Raquel Welch as Mya Breckinridge in a promotional photo for the film of the same name Right: Mae West as Letitia Van Allen. Sources: Bettmann / Getty Images; IMDB

In 1970 20th Century Fox thought it had a hit on its hands with Myra Breckinridge, an X-Rated sex comedy starring Raquel Welch and Mae West adapted from a novel by Gore Vidal. If that sounds absolutely bonkers to you then you don’t know the half of it. The film follows Myra Breckinridge, a transgender woman who, after undergoing gender confirmation surgery, attempts to destroy Hollywood from the inside out. Through a series of fantastical songs, dream sequences, and a lot of um… “seduction” Myra accomplishes absolutely nothing and the whole thing turns out to be a dream sequence. As bad as that sounds, behind the scenes things were even worse. 

The director was kind of a sociopath

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source: 20th Century Fox

Director Michael Sarne is probably most well known for singing the 1962 novelty hit “Come Outside,” but throughout the ‘60s he appeared in British dramas like A Place to Go and Invasion Quartet. After directing the somewhat successful film Joanna in 1968 he was offered the job of directing Myra Breckinridge simply because he told the executives at 20th Century Fox that he knew how to film it correctly.

For Sarne, that meant lording over the production like a tyrant. He threw out the Gore Vidal approved script because he thought it was “too gay,” and wrote his own version of the story. By all accounts Sarne’s contract allowed him to do whatever he wanted, regardless of what the studio said and he took full advantage of this ability.

He kept the cast and crew waiting around for hours while he was “thinking,” he spent days filming cakes for a sequence that took up seconds of the actual film, and he was particularly abusive to Raquel Welch. According to the film’s star, Sarne referred to her as an “old raccoon,” and she spent much of her downtime crying in her trailer.