Home Trends in the 1970s

By | July 22, 2021

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We've come a long, long way since the '70s. (archdaily)

Key parties, disco, and Woodstock all epitomize the ‘70s, including a different sort of wood that filled the homes of burgeoning baby boomers across America. Along with a shag carpet and linoleum floor, wood paneling became a must-have decor for any hip tree hugger. They even went as far as to panel appliances from dishwashers to their cars. In the decade of disco, homeowners sought a cozy, sort of woodsy cabin feel. Naturally, what could give off more Paul Bunyan vibes than dark wooden walls, carpeting thicker than Bob Ross’ hair, and a faux stone fireplace from floor to ceiling. Obviously, marijuana takes the blame for many of these tacky decors but back in the day they just didn’t know any better.

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Shag carpet, great for shagging not great for cleaning, which don't go well together. (pinterest)

Shag Carpeting

Like bell-bottom jeans, shag carpeting represents a style catastrophe worthy of a PSA. Unlike bell-bottom jeans, the go-to rug of the ‘70s actively made life more difficult. For one, in the history of mankind, nothing was more difficult to clean than a living room covered in shag carpeting. Entire small children could be lost in the tangle of crumbs, hair, and lost panties.

To top it off, the disco kids choose the worst colors imaginable like avocado green or dog doo-doo brown. Throw in some yellow flower wallpaper and you’d think you walked into an incontinence clinic. Although you have to give purveyors of wife swapping credit, no carpet makes for better impromptu amorous conjugation.