Were You a “Dead-Head?”

By | November 22, 2017

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CIRCA 1960: Photo of Grateful Dead Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

If you were a dead-head, that means you were an uber-fan of the Grateful Dead! The Grateful Dead was a psychedelic rock band from yesteryear that emerged in 1965 during the counterculture era. They were known for their unique, eclectic style of music ranging from rock, jazz, country and folk, to bluegrass, blues and reggae. They embodied the essence of the spirit of that era; the spirit being … just be yourself and do what makes you happy! 

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Dead-heads were self-proclaimed die-hard fans and groupies of the Grateful Dead. They followed the band and their successes as well as physically following them from concert to concert. The “Dead,” as the group was often called, had a fan-base like no other. True fans were so “over the top” for the group and couldn’t get enough of their music; especially the lengthy “jamming” they were known for. The Grateful Dead was one of those pioneer bands known for displaying their instrumental talent by showcasing expertise on their instruments with impressive solos.