Charlene Tilton: Lucy Ewing Of 'Dallas' Was Nothing But Trouble

By | December 3, 2017

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From the American television series 'Dallas' shows Charlene Tilton (as Lucy Ewing) as she leans across the arm of a chair, September 1978. (Photo by CBS Photo Archive/Getty Images)

Standing 4'11", Dallas actress Charlene Tilton as Lucy Ewing was a dynamo of trouble and treachery. She used her feminine wiles to her advantage and, often, her own downfall, but never learned her lesson too well. That's the nature of soap operas -- the constant drama and unbelievable reversals of fortune keep viewers tuning in. Tilton was all that and more, becoming a major sex symbol. Tilton was said to have appeared on 500 magazine covers, and the 1981 episode on which Lucy got married drew 65 million viewers

When J.R. Ewing Is Your Uncle, Things Are Bound To Get Interesting

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Lucy Ewing, Tilton’s character, was born into a privileged, although troubled and dysfunctional family. Her fictional father, Gary Ewing (David Ackroyd & Ted Shackleford), was an alcoholic. That being the case, the marriage fell apart and Lucy was the product of a broken home. She quickly learned how to use that disadvantage to her advantage; becoming somewhat of a problem child. She ultimately made her way to the family ranch, Southfork, for the purpose of being raised by her grandparents. Her uncle, J.R. Ewing (Larry Hagman), made it his business to insert himself into much of the family business, including anything and everything concerning Lucy.