Why did Buzz Aldrin Punch Bart Sibrel?

By | March 7, 2018

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Pushing The Boundaries Lunar Module pilot Edwin E. Aldrin Jr on board the Lunar Module during the Apollo 11 lunar landing mission, 20th July 1969. (Photo by Neil Armstrong/Space Frontiers/Getty Images)

September 12, 1962 marked the date that (then) President Kennedy delivered a speech to more than 35,000 people gathered at Rice University in Houston. This dated also marked the beginning of a new era in the “space race” with the Soviet Union. The passionate and stirring speech was quite a defining moment for his presidency and the American people as well as the entire world.

There is an age old controversial history of the “space race” between the United States and the Soviet Union.

“We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard,” Kennedy said, adding that the United States had no intention of being left behind in the “space race” with the Soviet Union. He passionately promised that by the end of the decade, an American would be the first to step on the Moon.

About seven years later, Neil Armstrong stepped out onto the Moon. This mission brought a significant victory in the competition for technological dominance over the Soviet Union.

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Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walked on the surface of the Moon during Apollo 11.

It’s now been almost 50 years since Apollo 11 first landed on the Moon. That being said, there has long been a theory that the reported Moon landing and subsequent Moon walk was a hoax. Still today, many people refuse to believe that the landing was real. In addition, many conspiracy theories about this controversial event have come to light, with most of them claiming that the United States government had pulled the wool over the world’s eyes in an effort to “save face” with the Soviets.